Monday 12 February 2018

Tempus fugit

Whoosh...what was that?

Time flying by.

Well, only (almost) a year to write another post!
Note to self...must do better.
And I had some nice comments too from people whose blogs I read and greatly admire. Shame on me for not replying. I have been rather busy though.

I have a nice, shiny new laptop and am taking a deep breath and starting again.

What a year it has been. I have indeed moved to Cornwall in the far west of the country. It's lovely but I am still struggling to feel 'at home'. I've bought a little terraced town cottage and am mortgage free and for that, I'm very grateful. I've completely underestimated some important things though.

This little house needs a lot of work and I have much less energy that I used to. I'd ignored completely that fact that I'm not 26. I will be 60 this year!
And Cornwall is wet. It rains and rains and rains. Or there is mist and mizzle.
So it's damp.....paint takes ages to dry, laundry takes ages to dry. I never thought I would be the owner of a dehumidifier. And I've got a rather super-duper clothes airer.

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