Wednesday 1 March 2017

A blog of my own!

Well, hello!

I have read so many wonderful and inspirational blogs over recent times that I thought I'd write a blog of my own. I've thought about it and thought about's the first of March 2016 and I'm finally doing it. I can't promise it will be 'wonderful' or 'inspirational' but I'm going to do it anyway.

I'm on the cusp of big changes in my little life. I'm living with a lifetime of decisions, some good, some not so good but I made them and I can live with the outcomes. Now I want to live a different life. One that's more mindful, with direction and intent. More DOING.  Whatever my future decisions will be, I'm just going to get on and do things anyway.

I've spent a lot of time recently NOT doing things. I've spent so much time NOT doing things that I'm utterly fed up with myself. I've bored myself witless. I've read endlessly what other folk are doing in their lives, pored over their blogs with vicarious pleasure. Now I'm going to write one of my own and be one of the doers. The aim (no more aimlessness) of this blog, is that it will serve as a both a personal diary and a place where I can be accountable to myself.

So, I am going to do things and have already made a life changingly big decision, almost scaring myself into a state of inertia in the process. But, perhaps fortunately, other people and things are involved, including lawyers and money, which has kept the momentum slowly going forward.

I'm moving house. I've sold up and am packing up. I'm moving 'home' to Cornwall from Kent where I've sortof washed up, literally as well as metaphorically. I feel washed up and washed out but I'm not done yet. Not yet! The wisdom of my decision to sell up and move is questionable on many levels but what the heck...I'm going to do it anyway!

Now, lets work out how hard this blogging malarkey really is. I suspect it's a bit like working on a supermarket checkout, not quite as easy as it looks. I'm still going to do it anyway.


  1. Good for you! Very much looking forward to hearing about your new adventures.

  2. how exciting...looking forward to hearing more...dreaming of a time I can live my own life...

  3. Personally I hope you do share your changes! I like this first post, even if I am late to the open house party. C'mon on in! Granted with a move ahead you might find it difficult to blog but blog until you can't and then blog when you can!

  4. Hello Rose! I found you from Terri's blog and am so looking forward to reading about your adventures in making a new home! Good thoughts to you.
