Wednesday 14 February 2018

Valentines Day

What a lovely day....

It rained all day but there was sunshine in my heart.

I met with a special girl friend who gave me a bunch of Cornish anemones  for Valentines and a box of wild mushrooms (reduced in the local green grocer) so how lucky am I? What a sweetheart.

We chatted for ages over very good mocha and a vegan breakfast bun....I did say it would have been better with a fried egg on top but we'd met in a vegan cafĂ© (friend is vegetarian) so I sucked it up.
A good mooch around the local charity shops followed. I was tempted with much but bought nothing.

I'd had an intentionally frugal January and decided to follow it with a frugal February. Just trying to re-set my spending as I have a cottage to fix up.

There is a real fire burning in my hearth and I'm feeling quite comfy and settled. In fact I'm so relaxed that I've lost the omphh to decide what's for dinner. Goodness knows  I watch enough YouTube vlogs about 'what we had for dinner' that I really should have some sort of plan.  I don't have a telly so am inclined to spend a bit too much time following other peoples lives. That's sortakindalike why I'm doing this blog. I want and need to be living my own life.

My next project is to learn how to upload photographs to liven up this little blog.

I'm off work for the next 4 days and the forecast is dry!!!

Lovely old job. 

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